Friday, January 16, 2009



Most of my friends tell me they hope that Barak Obama will be able to get us out of the various messes we’re in.

“Hope?” Come on! This guy appears to be the most prepared and competent leader to come along since Roosevelt or Lincoln. He will be the right President at the right time. Chill out! Enjoy the bumpy ride.

Last Sunday, I made it a point to watch one of those morning news shows, because Obama was going to be interviewed. As I watched the show, I thought to myself, “Why am I watching this? I’ve never been particularly interested in politics or the President (well, maybe Kennedy).”

I realized that I was watching because of who this man is. I’ve never experienced a politician who thinks, talks, and writes like this guy. He fascinates and excites me. He’s so transparent. What you see is clearly what you get. I think he transcends politics.

After every question thrown at him, and there were many, he would answer in that familiar calm manner, where you see him hesitate slightly at times, so his words can catch up to his thinking. Then out would come these crystal-clear sentences and phrases that were so unambiguous that I could follow and agree, needing no elaboration as to what he “really meant.” Every time Donna and I watch one of his speeches or see a news clip, we look at each other and say, “How could you not trust and support this man?”

I received a copy of The Audacity of Hope for Christmas. I don’t read much non-fiction, but this was a page turner. With every chapter, you can see that this is a person of substance, integrity, character, and thoughtfulness. One of the frequent complaints during the campaign was, “Obama gives great speeches, but he lacks any details or substance regarding what he would do as President.” Well, they clearly hadn’t seen this book. It was published in 2006 and it reads as though it was written yesterday. It’s a textbook on how he will address the issues that now face us as a nation. See for yourself.

This guy is a scholar. He has a historical perspective that will benefit us all as he steers his way through the Presidency. I learned more about the political history of our country from this book than I could ever have imagined. When I compare the knowledge, experiences, and understandings that Barak Obama brings to the Presidency with those of George W. Bush eight years ago, I am even more saddened about the past, but extremely positive and confident about the future.

What appeal to me most about President-Elect Obama are his values. He feels that people are basically good. (Duh!) He sees that we all pretty much want the same things: family, opportunity, freedom, connections. He wants us all to unite for the common good. He will reach out to everyone. No more polarizing. He will bring all parties and interests together to find common ground and to work out solutions that everyone can benefit from. He will do this within our own country, and he will do this with countries around the world.

This is a “win-win” problem solver after eight years of “win-lose.” I think the results of his approach will be spectacular. As President, he will certainly have my complete trust and support.

You “hope” he’ll be good? Chill out! He’s gonna be great.


cbaron said...

I so agree with your "take" on Obama. Look who he chose for the Dept. of Energy...a Nobel Prize winner from Berkeley! Whoever follows Bush has his work cut out for him or her given the absolute disaster his legacy has left us. But Obama is the guy to tackle it. Keep these blogs coming!

Unknown said...

Bravo, Bravo Fred!
Can't wait until Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Agreed! Well done, Freddy. I, too feel a special connection to this man and what he stands for. One thing I realized is that he would probably never been elected if not for Bush's failures. It's all interconnected, really. - Kathi

Lindeman said...

I couldn't agree more! He is so different from anyone I've ever seen and I cannot wait to see what he does. I have to put a plug in for his ealier book, Dreams from my Father. It is an amazing look into his personal background...again, so different from anything else we've seen. Read it!

Dick Schutz said...

Hmm. I hate to throw cold water on the exuberance, particularly when Obama has you taking an interest in something other than birds. I agree that the guy is good, but some of the people around him aren't Check out this clip from yesterday:

The guy has very good sense, but he's getting lousy intelligence and he hasn't thought it through.

No kid enters school "three years behind." All aggregate kids have more than adequate spoken language prerequisites to make it feasible for them to be taught how to handle spoken language.

No school can improve over time just by trying harder. If they knew how to do it, they'd do it now. And "growth models" are statistical chicanery.

Kids do vary in their rate of learning. But if the job of teaching kids how to read isn't done by the end of grade 3 at the latest, it's a tough row to hoe for both kids and teachers. It can be done, but not in the way schools are currently going about it. The Haan Foundation study, which was conveniently buried, proved that.

He uses the term "annual yearly performance" "Annual" makes more sense than "adequate," but both terms are inadequate.

He buys into the notion that the coded "free lunch" kids will get there slower.

These are the beliefs of the people who got us into this mess. The players have changed but the beliefs haven't

Duncan is smart enough to buy time with extended "fact finding" visits. I think Obama is smart enough not to go into any details, and at that level of generality he can always say "this is what I meant all the time." Very few people care about, let alone understand the nuts and bolts. But the thing is, Duncan's "fact finding" isn't going to turn up anything new, because the "facts" aren't there.

I hope and pray that Obama will "get smart," but the smart money would not bet that he will.